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How Does Enforcement Work

Joseph English

If the Local Authorities send a warning letter about unauthorised development you typically have four weeks to respond clarifying that the development is either exempt, compliant or required planning permission in the first instance.

When you get a warning letter it is important that you get an agent to deal with this for you such as, what ever you do dont ignore it as it will only escalate.

Regardless of whether or not it is it exempt or compliant the Local Authority inspector will open a file and investigate the development in person. Following this inspection, the enforcement moves from a warning to an enforcment - which menas you have certain time limit to regularise the situation this generally means you apply for retention or remove the unauthorised development.

If the work requires retention permission the Local Authority will in most cases suspend or put a stay on the enforcement until the application has been completed. If permission is granted the enforcement file can be closed, see attached link for more info

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