Cost of Retention planning Application
The procedure in making a retention planning application is exactly the same as when making a normal application, therefore the cost of making a retention application is equivalent to making an ordinary planning application.
The outlay costs associated with a retention application are as follows;
the statutory fee to the Planning Authority for the Retention Application is €102 for a domestic application, or 3 times the normal application fee for all other instances
there is a fee payable to Ordnance Survey Ireland for maps of approximately €60
there is a fee to advertise the application in an approved newspaper which is up to €150, depending on location
We use modern work processes along with the best project management software to streamline our processes. This allows us to prepare and lodge yout Retention Application in a more efficient timeline while at the same time saving on costs, all which we pass to you the client.
At, we can can prepare your Retention Planning Application, including a Compliance Certificate, on completion, phone us now for a no obligation free quote.